Jakub Suchy

'Experienced C# .NET developer. Interested in smart house, Internet of Things (IoT) and new technologies as well as being an open-source enthusiast. Goal is to work with medical software, Internet of Things, game development or something meaningful.'

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Profi Účtenka Printer hell

I bought a new notebook for my wife for her business, tried to setup the already working Profi Uctenkovka with the printer from her old notebook, but it wouldn’t work.

Beware of localhost

One day at work we encountered odd bug with our application. It was Windows Service that was client/server for TCP/IP connections.

Reblog: Deep Synergy Between Testability and Good Design

Lumia 950 won’t connect to PC

I don’t know how long has it been, that my phone (Lumia 950) wouldn’t connect to my PC. But one day I really needed to copy some photos from my phone (Lumia 950) to my PC. And that damn phone still just wouldn’t connect! So I started my investigation in Device Manager, where there was an Unknown Device of type “MTP Device”. After trying to update that driver I got this:

Youtube 1.25x speed lagging problem

Funny thing happend to me. I was reinstalling my PC the other day and when I set it up again, I wanted to watch some youtube videos. But when I started to watch them in 1.25x speed or more they were seriously lagging and obviously I didn’t have ANY clue why. So I backtracked some of my steps of installing and setting up my PC. And guess what change fixed that youtube problem… Reverting my Playback Device Advanced Setting Format from 24bit, 192KHz to something lower fixed it. Possibly my default sound card couldn’t handle this much data and youtube was compensating for it by lagging. So the sound card could keep up.

My way of learning

I don’t read books. Heck I’ve read only like 4 books in my life from start to finish. So how do I learn? I watch and listen. It’s that simple! Most often the tempo of the speaker is too slow and my brain is wandering off to other thoughts. So I am compensating that by speeding the video or track up a bit. My best speed-up range is from 1.4x to 1.9x. It depends on how fast can you process the speaker, if he is understandable at that speed and how am I accommodated to that certain speed. I often start slower and then speed up. Then I am 100% on the topic and that is the most effective way for me to learn something.


I am starting this blog because of one person. http://pablojuan.com/ He has an amazing blog, where he only documents his experiences and it brought me some value. He’s writing it funny, understandable and short as it should be. So let’s hope I will do too.